Being a parent seems to be an obstacle for employment and it causes often dropouts at work, especially for mothers . At the same time to become parents forces people to acquire precious skills that are required in the job market. Being a parent is, for instance: leadership, problem solving, time management, scheduling skills, money management and much more.
Our target group is composed of young parents with difficulties to access the job market, young parents that had to leave job and want to re-access, youth workers working with young people in risk of social exclusion, youth workers working in digital competences and NGO, associations and other organisations working in youth education
The aim of PSAJO is to increase the employability of the young parents by providing a comprehensive training programme that will enable the recognision and development of informal skills acquired during parenting, and apply them in a future job.
The partnership is composed of 6 partners from 6 EU countries of different organisations and institutions (NGOs, SMEs, youth organisations) with vast experience in the fields of training and social integration. Each partner will coordinate one or more important task according to their experience and professional relevance.
During the project, two main intellectual outputs will be developed:
- E-learning Platform for the delivery of the training programme (O1) will provide young learners the training programme needed to recognise and improve the parenting skills, as well with a mean to communicate with trainers and other learners and share experiences and knowledge.
- Training Programme on Parenthood Skills in the Job Market (O2), the main result of PSAJO, aims to identify, recognise, and apply informally acquired parenting skills into valuable job skills.